Friday, July 9, 2010

Youtube Videos

It's great to see that all of you are still posting. For those of you who were in the first week of our class, the youtube videos of your speeches (in glorious full HD) are now up!
Blair's Speeches:
Eugene's Speeches:
Daphne's Speeches:
Jason's Speeches:
Jonathan's Speeches:
Joy's Speeches:
Peter's Speeches:
Jeffrey's Speeches:
William's Speeches:

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Homework

Hey everyone, hope you guys are all still having a blast. Just as a reminder, we would love it if everyone continued to write in their blogs as this will really shone in your skills.

Remember, practice makes perfect!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Get ready for tomorrow's day of fun!

Get ready for tomorrow's day of fun! :D


Be sure to continue writing 3 paragraphs when you blog about your day.

Edit your final draft. Proofread it, and read your final draft out loud to edit it. You will be able to notice more errors when you read it out loud.

Make sure you know your final draft very well for tomorrow ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Class Summary Powerpoints

Here are powerpoints that summarized certain classes (your parents may want this):

How to Take Notes:
6/16 Class:
6/17 Class:
6/22 Class:

Notes on Rhetorical Devices

As promised, here are a list of rhetorical devices:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Excerpt from a piece of writing by Peter

This is taken from something I wrote a few months ago.

DISCLAIMER: This is a theory that I thought would be interesting and could provide an explanation for US/Taiwan relations. The validity of this is highly disputable, and the claims I make below may not represent my true feelings on the conflict between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China. This was not written with the intention of offending anyone.

America has been supporting Taiwan and its democratic government for several decades. America originally took this stance when many nations were overturning their old systems of government and moving to newer forms. At the time, America wanted to spread democracy as much as possible and prevent nations from adopting the evil of communism. The democratic system that was first set up in China had the backing of the US, and was given support against the Communist Party that ended up controlling China. World War II and the Cold War could be considered wars against ideologies: first against the Nazis and the militarist Japanese, then against their Soviet allies from World War II (the USSR was also threatened by the Nazis during WWII, so the alliance was primarily due to having a common enemy). America threw its weight behind Taiwan, South Vietnam, and South Korea during the Cold War, and had its democratic NATO allies join the US in its efforts.

Now, the fight for democracy in those regions is all but gone. China has emerged as a world superpower, the communist North Vietnam won the Vietnam War, and North and South Korea are at a stalemate. The purpose of supporting South Korea is clear, because North Korea still poses a threat to South Korea. Why, then, is Taiwan still of interest to the US of A?

The feud between the ownership of Taiwan has largely settled down. China is no longer shelling the island nation, and has no clear plans that it seeks to invade or attack. It is unlikely that using Taiwan is a viable means of changing the form of government in China, because of China's international standing and position. Taiwan has other uses, though. It's a check on the powers of China. Taiwan, because it is not officially recognized as a separate country in the UN or by some other nations, can freely criticize China without any serious repercussions. China also rivals the US's economy and military, and is gaining more and more power in the world constantly. Taiwan is form of check that the US can use without China condemning the US for its actions. If China suddenly falls out of power someday, it is unlikely that the US will have as much a use for Taiwan as it does now.

Sample Piece of Writing by Carl Shan

Hey everyone. Here is a sample of my writing. This was an article I wrote for regarding my immigration to the U.S. I hope you all can glean something from this!

My mother and I arrived in the San Francisco Airport alone and hesitant. I fiercely gripped my mother’s hand with my small and plump fingers after enduring nine hours of breathing recycled airplane air. My surroundings were filled with sights new to my mother and me. Wondrous sights, but foreign and intimidating sight as well. My mother’s hands gripped me just as tightly. My father who had arrived in this strange and foreign new land years prior and was supposed to greet us at the airport, was nowhere to be seen.

My mother led me slowly in search of her husband, wandering the busy scene in the midst of everyone, but at the same time seemed to belong with no one. This was the first thing I remember once I arrived in the United States of America. I’m twelve years older than when I first arrived, filled with sights and experiences anew, but at times feel like I’m still that young child, clinging to my mother’s warm hands in a place so strange.

My mother was born in the 1960s in the slums of Longjing. Her father was a teacher by day and a strict disciplinarian by night; a hard man, yet a man who only wanted the best for his children. As a result, my mother diligently followed her father’s demands that she make them proud and excelled in her studies and succeeded in getting accepted to a prestigious Chinese university.

My father was born in the 1960s as well in the Yunnan province. Like my mother, he also was raised in a lower class background with strict parents. His mother a film developer and his father a store manager, he grew up with their expectations that he would become someone they could speak of with pride. The oldest in his family of four, he set the standards and constantly raised them by striving for higher and higher goals. He was accepted to the Chinese equivalent of Harvard University.

My mother led me quicker now, as she grew worried over the lack of my father’s arrival. I could only imagine the thoughts that raced through her head as she frantically searched for him. I cried that I was tired and wanted to stop walking. The passersby stared at me as I hollered at my mother in a foreign tongue.

They met in Beijing when they were both in college at a party hosted by a mutual friend. They hit it off great and were married on June 26, 1989. June 26, coincidentally, is also the exact date of my birth. So whether by chance or by fate, on their third anniversary, I was brought forth into this world. A rosy and healthy baby that was eager to laugh, I quickly became the center of attention for my aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

I grew up in my hometown of Longjing, a small—by Chinese standards—city in northeastern China. I spent my youth falling into cavernous mud pits, sneaking into the hen cages in search of newly hatched baby chicks, and breaking my uncle’s expensive fishing rods. When I was three, my father received a job in the United States for a computer chip manufacturing company located in the Silicon Valley. He flew there promptly in search of an opportunity to enrich the lives of his family. My mother and I waited two years for him to settle down before following him.

My mother’s eyes scanned over the crowd. Her grip on my hand felt like iron now. We were without communication with my father as neither her nor my father possessed a cell phone. She hadn’t brought much money with her. Barely enough to cover a first day’s meal and certainly lacking to pay for a night’s stay in a nearby hotel. Panicking, she wanted to ask someone, anyone, for help, but her inability to speak English prevented her from seeking assistance. Then, as my mother’s hopes sunk lowly into the ground and her face grew pale, a clear and loud voice rang behind us in a language both of us recognized.

I remember crying and wailing the day I was to get onto the plane that would lead me to my new life. Too young to understand the full implications of my departure, the only thoughts that raced through my head were ones that wept over the loss of familiar faces and friends. Consoled finally by my mother with a piece of candy in a colorful wrapper, I finally let myself be lead onto the plane unaware of the new challenges and excitements that lay ahead of me. This was the beginning of my new life.

My father was behind us, hollering our names as he jumped and waved his hands over his head. My mother’s blood rushed back into her face and she gave a small smile as she glanced at me, as if to say that she knew the whole time that everything would be fine. And at that moment, as we raced towards the man both of us loved, I believe that for the first time in my life, everything was fine. The Shan family had arrived in America.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

6/17 Homework

3 Paragraphs of today, with dialogue
Give speech on "should we always tell the truth" or lying without memorizing or notes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hey everyone, be prepared to give your speeches today!

6/16 Homework

Write a two to three minute speech
-Topic: Should you always tell the truth?
Continue blogging about your day
-Blog about what activities you want
Homework due before 9 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hi everyone!

This blog will be used to help you guys remember the homework assignments and things we taught you in class. You can also comment and ask questions or request help. Feel free to use this blog to contact Carl and me as you like.